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Amor Fati ~ To Love One's Fate


They say that your destiny is written before you, by forces beyond you. That your life is predetermined, predestined, preordained. That you are a puppet, a marionette, a plaything of your fate. That there exists nothing that you can do to liberate yourself from such a fortune, for there exists no such thing as free will.

We especially contemplate the nature of fate when tragedy besets us, don’t we? Well, let me tell you, the storm is inevitable. Because storms are destined to be. Polarity, duality, contradictions characterise life. Without such juxtapositions, life would not be. Just like morning and night constitute a day. Just like light cannot be perceived without darkness. Just like life and death are inextricably tied. Just like an atom could not be without electrons (negative force) and protons (positive force). So too, life cannot be without war and peace, pleasure and pain, smooth seas and storms. Because the microcosm (the atom) constitutes the macrocosm (life), the macrocosm must be a reflection of the microcosm.

So yes, the storm is fated, but, yes, don’t be so hopeless, there is a but. But when the storm comes, you can choose where you will meet it. Will you meet it outside, in the wilderness, lost, nihilistic, bitter, and resentful or will you be inside, at home, knowing, understanding, accepting, at peace?

But what is home? In occultic traditions a square represents a home, house or abode. Geometrically a square possesses 4 sides, thus it is said to correspond with the number 4. Tantrically, the number 4 corresponds with the 4th chakra (in the esoteric traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, a chakra is an energy point in the body), which is located where the heart is. Thus it can be said that the home symbolises the heart.

And you can will, despite the odds, you can will to be home. You can will to be with your heart. You can will to be with love and will for love to be with you. You can will, in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, for ‘nothing to be different, not forward, not backwards, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it….but love it.’ You can will to love your fate.

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